A puzzle is something that once you have the solution, you forget about it pretty quickly. Wordle is the perfect puzzle… once you’ve figured out the word there is no point going back to the start. Same with a pain puzzle.. you seek treatment for the pain and it works and you forget about it and life returns to normal.

A mystery is way more complex! It doesn’t always respond to treatment, disappears and then reappears again. It flares up when you don’t expect it to and it can move and spread. It lasts for a long time but can also retreat for months. This pain mystery requires deeper understanding, nuanced thinking and a mulitpart approach. It will require your acceptance and commitment. Exercise will be part of your treatment plan but also reflection on things like your family history of pain, your stress triggers, your fear and avoidance behaviours.

If you are grappling with a pain mystery and have been frustrated with your treatment options get in touch. At Arc Pilates we listen, support and help you understand why your pain might be a mystery.

At Arc Pilates we can help solve your pain puzzle